We are Elmo, Kat, Cinco, and Hadlee and we are missionaries serving in Tijuana, Mexico. We are currently leading Iglesia Bautista Centro Shalom, a church that is in the heart of one of the most dangerous and violent cities in the world. We have a heart for God’s mission that is to take the Good News to the ends of the earth. Tijuana is home to people from every country in Central and South America and is in desperate need of the Hope that is found in Jesus.
Please pray that we can be used to bring the Gospel message to someone today.
Our Mission is simple. We strive to make Jesus famous throughout the Latino world. We served in Lima, Peru from 2011 through 2021 and are now working in Tijuana, Mexico. As Church Planting Missionaries, our purpose is to help people Find and Follow Jesus. We seek to bring the message of Jesus to the most disconnected demographics. We emphatically believe that Jesus is the Hope of the world and that the local church structure is the very best vehicle to deliver that Hope to the world. We also care very much about what Jesus cares about; widows, orphans, and other vulnerable populations. We endeavor to help everyone we meet Find and Follow Jesus.
In the pursuit of the Mission, we have the following goals to help us effectively and efficiently bring more people to Jesus:
To see people have access to a Local Church where they can Find and learn how to Follow Jesus. As church planters, we champion planting new, Biblically centered, culturally relevant churches in unreached population segments throughout the Latin American world.
To promote and execute Biblically-modeled strategies for caring for the vulnerable portions of society. We are unapologetically pro-life, which drives us to love and serve the orphan and the widow as we seek to demonstrate authentic faith in a faithless world.
To help everyone we encounter develop a deep passion for biblical, generational, Christian Legacy in their families. Through our Legacy and Manna Centers, we teach practical life skills to entire families that are tangible ways to express love while leading people to Jesus.
To connect the American church with the realities concerning developing nation's access to the Gospel. Through hosting specifically targeted Go trips, we seek to bridge the gap between American Christians and the Latin American reality regarding the cause of Jesus.

Elmo Compton
Kat Compton
Cinco Compton
The Hope of the World.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. ”